HTYC Student Artists Training Program - Arts Exhibition Visit--丘中學生藝術家培訓計劃的藝術展覽參觀活動
2019-05-19 (Sunday)
Location : 香港薄扶林 香港大學百周年校園 智華館 大學書店大堂
Leader : Ms Lui CY
Category : Events
HTYC Student Artists Training Program - Arts Exhibition Visit--丘中學生藝術家培訓計劃的藝術展覽參觀活動

To enhance Hioecian’s student artist’s competence of aesthetics and art appreciation, the Visual Arts department held a visit to a joint painting exhibition “May ... We Paint”. Understood more local artists and painters’ conceptual ideas and their technical painting skills can further broaden their horizons in arts.

為了提高丘中學生藝術家們對繪畫的鑑賞和審美能力,本校視覺藝術科舉行了本地藝術家聯合藝術展覽“May...We Paint”的參觀活動。從學習欣賞畫作中認識更多本地藝術家和畫家的創作手法和意念能擴闊他們對藝術的視野。

 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學  The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
 Visitor: 3515151
 地址: 九龍何文田常和街6號
 Address: 6 Sheung Wo Street Ho Man Tin
 電話(Tel): 27117159
 傳真(Fax): 27142958
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