Form 3 My Choice Workshop Review Meeting and review of students
2022-03-05 (Saturday)
Leader : Au Yeung WS
Category : FEC

After participating in this activity, I discovered what I would learn in senior forms and become more familiar with the careers I should go for. I’m going to choose Biology, Chemistry and Economic as my electives. Teachers told us the content of different electives. For example, we will learn organic and inorganic compound in F5 Chemistry. They also told us what careers we can pursue after taking these subjects. Moreover, we learnt which subjects and careers suit our personalities via the Holland code test.

My Holland codes are I(investigative), S(social) and E(enterprising). Knowing the Holland Code, I understand that I am suitable for learning Chemistry, Biology and Economics. Furthermore, I am suitable for being a doctor or scientist. To conclude, this activity is immensely abundant and fulfilling. I’m pleased that I had the opportunity to learn more about the electives and learnt how to prepare for my future. I’m looking forward to having this kind of activity again!





Through the FEC workshop, I evaluated myself with the guidelines given by the tutor. I discovered I am an investigative person with strong desire and interest for knowledge. Therefore, I knew that I am suitable for choosing science subjects as my S4 electives.

Besides discovering my talents, this workshop has increased my confidence in selecting my beloved science subjects as I know they are suitable for me.

In addition, the workshop has provided a lot of information on the topics I will study in senior forms for each particular subject, so I can have a good mental preparation for my future studies. More importantly, it helps me to choose my future career path, which is completely useful and essential. Therefore, this workshop is totally worthy to join.


 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學  The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College
 Visitor: 3740452
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